Episode 4: Is God Coming Back to Life?

In 1882 Nietzsche declared that God was dead, God would remain dead and that we had killed him. Current scientific research, however, seems to support the idea that God is coming back to life, so to speak. In the fourth episode of the Martinus Cosmology Podcast, Mary McGovern interviews Jens Christian Hermansen, Ph.D., a sociologist and lecturer at The University of Copenhagen, about Martinus’s concept of God and about how it relates to current research into consciousness.

Martinus writes that God consists of all living beings in the endless universe. God experiences life through these living beings. And the experience of every living being is God’s experience. The living beings are God’s sensory organs through which he creates and experiences. God is not outside his creation but is an integral part of it. Every experience that we have is a direct communication with God, since nothing exists outside God. Through this infinite, eternal universe God experiences himself and unfolds his consciousness, his will, his life and his way of being. This makes every experience of life, whether pleasant or unpleasant, a sacred encounter that offers the potential for the development of an intimate relationship to God and a transformation of daily life.

This podcast was recorded by Mary McGovern at The Martinus Institute, Frederiksberg, Copenhagen, Denmark on 28th November 2017.

Music composed and performed by Lars Palerius.
Martinus’s literature is available online on the Martinus Institute’s website: www.martinus.dk/en. Here you can also find information about the international summer courses at the Martinus Centre in Klint, Denmark.


Episode 3: The World Situation and the Evolution of Mankind

Today’s world may seem to be a difficult place to live in, since many people suffer from wars, terrorism, poverty and starvation. Other people are worried about how to deal with migration and refugees, environmental problems and many other global issues. So how can we understand the world situation today and keep our inner balance?

In the third episode of the Martinus Cosmology Podcast, Mary McGovern from Scotland and Sören Grind from Sweden talk about the present world situation from the overall, long-term perspective of the Danish writer Martinus’s world picture.

Many people today become involved in international organisations in order to increase global co-operation, thus promoting peace and progress all over the world. At the same time, however, we also see a rise in nationalism and protectionism, and the closing of borders to an increasing number of countries. In this podcast episode, Mary and Sören discuss how we can find an explanation for these diverging tendencies in Martinus’s description of the general evolution of mankind from the animal kingdom to the real human kingdom.

In spite of all the difficulties and sufferings that people have to endure at the moment, Martinus’ s world picture describes a very optimistic and positive future. According to his analyses, it is necessary for all human beings to go through the present stage of evolution in order to finally grow out of their primitive and egoistic tendencies, and instead develop their humane abilities. The goal of the evolution of mankind is an ultimate kingdom of peace and happiness for all living beings on Earth.

The podcast episode is moderated by Pernilla Rosell (Sweden). It was recorded at the Martinus Centre, Klint in the autumn of 2016.

Martinus’s literature is available online on the Martinus Institute’s website: http://www.martinus.dk/en. Here, you can also find information about the international summer courses at the Martinus Centre in Klint, Denmark.

Episode 2: Life Within Life Within Life

Who are we? What is our place in existence? Is there life in the universe and in the microcosmos of our bodies? In the second episode of the Martinus Cosmology Podcast, Mary McGovern from Scotland and Colleen Turoczy from England talk about central aspects of the Danish writer Martinus’ world picture.

They reflect on the questions that they had when they first encountered Martinus’ works, and discuss the answers that can be found in Martinus’ literature on, among other things, our development towards becoming real human beings, the importance of vegetarian food, the role of Christ and other world redeemers, the world situation today and much more.

The podcast episode is moderated by Pernilla Rosell (Sweden). It was recorded in a summer cottage in the Martinus Centre, Klint, at the end of the summer season, 2016.

Martinus’ literature is available online on the Martinus Institute”s website: www.martinus.dk/en. Here, you can also find information about the international summer courses at the Martinus Centre in Klint in Denmark.


Episode 1: I Had a Feeling of Coming Home

In our first podcast episode, Mary McGovern from Scotland and Colleen Turoczy from England tell us about when they first encountered Martinus’ cosmology, and what it has meant to them. They also share their experience of staying at the  Martinus Centre in Klint, Denmark, as a teacher and voluntary worker. The podcast episode is moderated by Pernilla Rosell (Sweden), and it was recorded in a summer cottage in the Martinus Centre, Klint, at the end of the summer season, 2016.