Episode 54: Working at the Martinus Institute

In this episode Mary McGovern interviews Torben Husum, the current manager of the Martinus Institute in Frederiksberg, Copenhagen. After finding an article by Martinus and not least a captivating photo of him in the Danish magazine Gralen (The Grail), Torben embarked on a private, intensive study of Livets Bog (The Book of Life). Only many years later did he begin to attend lectures and courses on Martinus Cosmology.

Today he works at the Martinus Institute with various tasks including coordinating volunteers, looking after the fabric of the building, live-streaming lectures, and maintaining the institute’s website: www.martinus.dk.

Already a published author of three books and several short stories, he is currently writing a short introduction to Martinus’s life and world picture. He finds it important to provide a brief biography of Martinus and to convey, among many other aspects of Martinus’s world picture, an explanation of the meaning of darkness and the evolution of sexuality. Inspired by Martinus’s analysis that we are all “wounded refugees between two kingdoms”, meaning that we are no longer pure animals but not yet completely evolved human beings, this episode takes up aspects of mankind’s progression towards the resolution of some of its current challenges.

This podcast was recorded by Mary McGovern at the Martinus Institute on 5th September 2024.

Music composed and performed by Lars Palerius.

Photo: Marie Rosenkrantz Gjedsted

Links and notes:

Live-streamed lectures on Martinus Cosmology in several languages: crowdcast.io/martinusinstitut. Scroll down through the many Scandinavian titles until you find titles in English.

The Martinus Institute’s English You Tube channel for free lectures and interviews:https://www.youtube.com/@TheMartinusInstitute

Opening hours at The Martinus Institute: Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 10am–4pm. Also open on approx. alternate Saturdays, when there are lectures. Check martinus.dk for the calendar of events.

Episode 52: The World Situation and the Future

In this lecture Ole Therkelsen describes how the atrocities of war and the enormous amount of suffering they cause gradually bring about the evolution of the Earth as a living individual and of the mankind that inhabits it. The Earth and its human beings are sphynx beings with a consciousness that is partly dominated by the killing principle and partly by the desire to love and serve everyone. Eventually the loving aspect will take over completely, leading to the creation of a completely loving, empathic and just world society.

Ole Therkelsen (born in 1948) is a chemical engineer and a biologist with a life-long interest in Martinus Cosmology. He was introduced to Martinus Cosmology by his parents when he was a small boy, and since 1980 he has given about 2000 lectures on Martinus’s world picture in fifteen countries in six different languages. Many of his lectures may be heard on http://www.oletherkelsen.dk and on http://www.youtube.com.

He is the author of Martinus, Darwin and Intelligent Design – A New Theory of Evolution and Martinus and the New World Morality. His books are available from http://amazon.com and http://amazon.co.uk.

This lecture was given by Ole Therkelsen in Zagreb, Croatia on 1st May 2007.

Music composed and performed by Lars Palerius.

Photo: Marie Rosenkrantz Gjedsted

Episode 43: How can we see our karma as a friend?


Martinus describes karma as the law of cause and effect, as life’s way of helping us to evolve towards becoming truly empathic, loving human beings.

In this episode Mary McGovern interviews the Swedish psychologist, writer and lecturer Sören Grind. They discuss the role of both pleasant and unpleasant karma as a motor driving our evolution and as a mirror showing us how we are capable of behaving towards other people, our own organisms, animals and the planet on which we live. They look at the quality or essence of the energies we send out and how we can use an increasingly intimate relationship to God and knowledge of cosmic laws to support us when the going gets tough and to express gratitude when life is pleasant.

This podcast was recorded by Mary McGovern at the Martinus Centre, Klint, Denmark on 21st October 2021.

Music composed and performed by Lars Palerius.

Photo: Marie Rosenkrantz Gjedsted.

Martinus’ literature is available online on the Martinus Institute’s website: www.martinus.dk/en. Here you can also find information about the international summer courses at the Martinus Centre in Klint, Denmark.



Episode 37: My will and God’s will

Photo: Berit Djuse.

The Martinus Cosmology Podcast presents the third in a series of lectures given in English by Ole Therkelsen.

In “My will and God’s will” Ole Therkelsen poses the question: What or who do you think God is? There are many differing concepts of God. Some believe in the devil as the cause of everything unpleasant and in God as the cause of everything pleasant. Martinus, however, defines God as absolutely everything that exists. He further defines two types of communication with God: the telepathic form that we normally call prayer and the physical form, which is our daily encounter with life in all its aspects. He looks at the idea of free will and the evolution of prayer from the animal’s cry of fear to the highly evolved human being’s well formulated communication.

Ole mentions Martinus’s symbol no. 16 “The Eternal Body” in this lecture. You can see the symbol and read a short explanation on the Martinus Institute’s website.

The symbol is explained in detail in The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1 by Martinus.

Ole Therkelsen (born in 1948) is a chemical engineer and a biologist with a life-long interest in Martinus Cosmology. He was introduced to Martinus Cosmology by his parents when he was a small boy, and since 1980 he has given about 2000 lectures on Martinus’s world picture in fifteen countries in six different languages. Many of his lectures may be heard on http://www.oletherkelsen.dk and on http://www.youtube.com. He is the author of Martinus, Darwin and Intelligent Design – A New Theory of Evolution and Martinus and the New World Morality. His books are available from http://amazon.com and http://amazon.co.uk.

This lecture was given by Ole Therkelsen at The Martinus Centre, Klint, Denmark on 3rd August 2005.

Music composed and performed by Lars Palerius.

Photo: Berit Djuse.

Martinus’s literature is available online on the Martinus Institute’s website. Here you can also find information about the international summer courses at the Martinus Centre in Klint, Denmark


Episode 35: Who is it that actually reincarnates?

Episode 35: Who is it that actually reincarnates?

Fotoskuret v/Fotograf Bjelkegaard

“Who is it that actually reincarnates?”, “Why do we reincarnate?” and “How do we reincarnate?” are among the questions taken up in this episode in which Mary McGovern interviews Alex Riel. They discuss characteristics of our consciousness, “talent kernels” in which our abilities are stored, the principle of karma and the transformation of the sexual poles. Many claim that we must be able to change sex from one life to the next. Martinus presents arguments for the opposite, but states that this change occurs in a much greater time perspective – from one cycle of evolution to the next. They investigate the one-life theory and the idea of reincarnation as bases for our philosophy of life.

Alex Riel has a master’s degree in philosophy from the University of Copenhagen, where he also trained to be a psychology teacher. He is also a trained social worker and the author of six books on the philosophy of life. He is a member of the voluntary teaching staff at the Martinus Centre, Klint and the Martinus Institute, Copenhagen.

For additional material, you may like to read Martinus’s explanation of Symbol no. 6, The Living Being: https://www.martinus.dk/en/ttt/index.php?bog=61&stk=6

Music composed and performed by Lars Palerius.


Episode 24: Cosmological Perspectives on World History

In this episode Mary McGovern interviews Lauge Schøler on how an understanding of Martinus Cosmology can shed light on our understanding of world history and on how it can help us to see everything, including evolution, warfare and karma, in a new perspective.

Lauge was born in Denmark in 1987 and has studied Martinus Cosmology for the last ten years. He is a psychologist, living and working in Copenhagen.

This podcast was recorded by Mary McGovern at The Martinus Centre, Klint, Denmark on 17th April 2019.

Music composed and performed by Lars Palerius.

Martinus’ literature is available online on the Martinus Institute’s website: http://www.martinus.dk/en. Here you can also find information about the international summer courses at the Martinus Centre in Klint, Denmark.


Episode 21: What happens after death?

What happens after death, according to Martinus? What do we experience? Is there a paradise? Why is death such a taboo subject and how can Martinus’ analyses comfort people who are afraid of death? In this episode relaxation therapist, translator and writer Anne Pullar and Pernilla Rosell reflect on death and on Martinus’ description of the different spiritual phases that human beings go through after death before being born again in a new physical body.

Anne and Pernilla also talk about our human experiences of discarnation and incarnation, about being here on Earth for a limited period of time compared to the overall development of the living being and its consciousness during the long process of evolution that Martinus calls the spiral cycle. Finally, they share some personal reflections on death.

Here you can read Martinus’ book The Road to Paradise, which is quoted in the episode. It can also be bought in paperback in the Martinus Institute’s webshop.

If you would like to read more about this topic, we can also recommend the article “Through the Gates of Death – Sleep and Death” by Martinus.

This podcast was recorded at the Martinus Centre in Stockholm, on 4th January 2019.

Music composed and performed by Lars Palerius.

Martinus’s literature is available online on the Martinus Institute’s website. The Martinus Institute Here you can also find information about the international summer courses at the Martinus Centre in Klint, Denmark.

Episode 20: Stress from a spiritual perspective

Current rapid processes of change both at the personal level and at a more global, political level cause many people to experience increasing levels of stress and unnatural fatigue.

In this podcast Mary McGovern interviews psychologist and writer Sören Grind. They reflect on how Martinus’ ideas about reincarnation and the evolution of mankind can complement our general understanding of the causes of stress. Why do we see an increase in the number of people who are suffering from stress? Are there spiritual tools that can help us deal with it?

Here you can read Martinus’ article Unnatural Fatigue.

The Martinus Cosmology Podcast team wishes all our listeners a Happy New Year!

This podcast was recorded by Mary McGovern at the Martinus Centre, Klint, Denmark on 1st January 2019.

Music composed and performed by Lars Palerius.

Martinus’ literature is available online on the Martinus Institute’s website. Here you can also find information about the international summer courses at the Martinus Centre in Klint, Denmark.


Episode 17: The Ideal Food

Food is an ethical, health and environmental issue that many people today are taking an increasing and urgent interest in. This is almost certainly a reaction to the killing of billions of mammals and fish every year, the widespread illhealth of mankind and the growing worries about the effect of, for example, meat-eating on the sustainability of the Earth.

According to Martinus, human nutrition is evolving in a more humane direction as our consciousness evolves and our conscience grows to encompass other beings than only those of our own species.

In this podcast Pernilla Rosell interviews Mary McGovern about how Martinus, in his book The Ideal Food, analyses the evolution of human nutrition from meat-eating to vegetarianism and veganism. They look at the consequences of the unreliability of our sense of taste and the effect of our nutritional choices on our health and fate.

You can read The Ideal Food online here: The Ideal Food

This podcast was recorded by Pernilla Rosell at The Martinus Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark on 22nd September 2018.

Music composed and performed by Lars Palerius.

Martinus’s literature is available online on the Martinus Institute’s website: The Martinus Institute. Here you can also find information about the international summer courses at the Martinus Centre in Klint, Denmark.


Episode 11: Martinus’s unique contribution to modern spirituality

Based in London, Anton Jarrod is a writer and researcher, focusing on and specializing in modern spirituality from 1850 onwards. He is the author of Martinus Cosmology and Spiritual Evolution (2017), which looks at Martinus’s ideas about the evolution of the human being in relation to the Gospel narratives of the life of Jesus, the archetypal human being. He is currently working in the field of sociology, exploring the relationship between spirituality and the world of work. (See www.antonjarrod.com)

In this podcast Mary McGovern interviews Anton Jarrod about what he considers Martinus’s unique contribution to modern spirituality.

This podcast was recorded by Mary McGovern at The Martinus Centre, Klint, Denmark on 16th May 2018.

Music composed and performed by Lars Palerius.

Martinus’s literature is available online on the Martinus Institute’s website: www.martinus.dk/en. Here you can also find information about the international summer courses at the Martinus Centre in Klint, Denmark.